
Vision/Gift Month - May 2024

Our target this year is  


Every year since we planted 10 years ago we have set aside a time to focus on our Vision and Giving. This year it will be taking place over the month of May

We will be sending out more information over the next few weeks and will be having a slot in each service in May where we celebrate all that God is doing amongst us and asking Him to provide for the future.

If you consider HTH to be your spiritual home, please pray and ask God how much you could contribute to this target. The best way to do this (without incurring any additional fees) is to pay directly into our bank account:

Bank: CAF Bank  
Account Name: Holy Trinity Hastings PCC
Sort Code: 40-52-40 
Account Number: 00011077
Reference: Vision Gift 24

Vision Gift Month Booklet

(pick up a paper copy in church)

Giving Booklet

(pick up a paper copy in church)


There are two ways you can give today:

1. Parish Giving Scheme (PGS)

To give monthly on-line via PGS (Parish Giving Scheme) please follow this link to the HTH page on PGS.

Alternatively please call 0333 002 1271 between Monday and Friday 9-5pm. 

If phoning, you will need to know the HTH Parish Reference:  103040410. 

Giving through PGS is really helpful for HTH because it is a free service and saves administration time for the church. 

2. Standing order via your bank

To set up a standing order, simply log in to your online banking or visit your local bank branch.

Bank: CAF Bank  Account Name: Holy Trinity Hastings PCC
Sort Code: 40-52-40  Account Number: 00011077

One-off Gift

If you would like to give a one-off gift or are regularly giving different amounts each month, you can do that three ways:

  1. Visit our page on Parish Giving Scheme and follow the instructions for One-Off Gift

  2. Direct payment via your bank
    : CAF Bank  
    Account Name: Holy Trinity Hastings PCC
    Sort Code: 40-52-40  
    Account Number: 00011077
    (If the gift is for a particular purpose e.g. Vision Gift Day or Christmas collection please mark it accordingly)

  3. Online
    Click the button below to make a card payment using our online system. Just fill out the One-off gift section.

Gift Aid

Boost your donation by 25p of gift aid for every £1 you donate. If you’re a UK taxpayer, please check if we can claim Gift Aid on your gift. To allow us to claim gift aid on your behalf, you can complete the declaration below.


HTH Angels

We have a big vision for this region of the South Coast, but the challenges in seeing this vision come alive are huge. Whether your from the area or really want to be part of whats happening here in Hastings click below to see how you can get involved.


Further Giving - Wills

Some people like to give by including HTH in their wills.  A legacy allows you to continue to support the vision of the church beyond your own life, and help others find and grow a relationship with Jesus in the future. If you intend to make a gift to HTH in your will, or if you've already included a gift to HTH in your will, we'd be delighted to hear from you. We’d love the opportunity to say thank you. Do email us at, or contact Simon and Sarah directly if you would prefer. 

It’s very easy to include HTH when making a will.  We suggest you include a form of words like this:

I GIVE _% of the residue of my estate to Holy Trinity Hastings,  Charity no. 1163737, Robertson Street, Hastings, TN34 1HT for its charitable purposes. I further direct that the receipt of the Honorary Treasurer or other proper officer of Holy Trinity Hastings for the time being shall be a full and final sufficient discharge for the said legacy.


I GIVE to Holy Trinity Hastings, Charity no. 1163737, Robertson Street, Hastings, TN34 1HT the sum of £_/specific asset or item for its charitable purposes. I further direct that the receipt of the Honorary Treasurer or other proper officer of Holy Trinity Hastings for the time being shall be a full and final sufficient discharge for the said legacy.

We are so grateful for all the gifts that come to the church. They make a huge difference!


Thank you!

Our vision is to build communities of people who are so passionate about being with Jesus, becoming like Jesus, and joining in with what Jesus is doing, that lives are changed and transformed, one life at a time.

Being, becoming, and joining in with Jesus means nothing short of giving our whole lives over to Him, and that includes our finances. At HTH we believe that giving is a core part of our discipleship to Jesus, so we want to be a people who give out of a sense of joy, gratitude, worship. This is not about us asking for something from you, but about giving you an opportunity to say thank you to God for His faithful sacrificial self-offering to us.

Every penny of the money you give goes straight towards serving God’s mission here in Hastings and the surrounding areas. If you’d like to find out more about where your giving goes, do get in touch!